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Sunday, March 13, 2011

Make Sense?

   Does it make sense, I ask you with a honest humble heart, to do forty math questions for math homework? Does it make sense to make up with perhaps eighty or twelve hundred because you missed two night of math home work? Does it make sense to do math at all?

   I shall giveth my answer.


   I missed three nights of homework. I am now supposed to do all of them! I know it's my fault but I'm entitled to whine a bit because I HAVE A LIFE! Oh my gosh! I do, yes I really do Mrs. Pre-Algebra teacher. Just because we only have your class every other day, doesn't mean you get to compensate by piling on homework! And you expect me you get it all done? Phft.

   I am a slightly lazy person, I understand that. But that doesn't mean I can't do math problems... the only problem is I have no motivation and personally I could really care less. It might be bad of me to say that but I don't care. I care about my grade in everything else, except Math because I find it worthless to me and my future.

   Not that I won't be doing addition and subtraction, multiplication and division every day but when will I ever have to find a variable in an equation with more letters than numbers (isn't that considered english, if a problem has more letters than numbers?) I think it is pointless.

   Just a waste of my life, yes I know it teaches you how to learn but can't they just teach me to learn in i dunno... english or gym? It's not like I'm going to become a math teacher or professor. I'll be going to college for the guys ladies, that it! I'll take a year or three then I'll be done with school!

   Anyway, I mentioned this same homework in a post prior to this one and I still haven't done it though I got my entire twenty-eight page art project done in one night... see? I can do things when I put my mind to it. But I'll be a good girl in this last dash for the end of the year  of middle school and I'll do all my homework from now on, but I'm not doing the previous homework because I am not insane.

   Yes. I promise to all you readers right now. From this moment to the end of the year I will get my homework done before writing and musical pursuits, even if it kills me (and trust me... it might) I would like to pass high school... getting a high school diploma is an important thing for college. Besides, I don't want to repeat middle school... that would suck to high heaven.

  Goodbye faithful readers, witnesses of my promise of certain death by thought

   Irish Princess
(in my dreams)

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Anime Background Pictures

   I was searching for a background picture for my blog and I found some totally amazing anime pictures that are good quality and at least bigger than 100 KB. My favorite is at the top and they go down from best to still pretty awesome... I love all of them!

The guitar playing girl, my personal favorite seeing as i play the guitar myself and this is a very good drawing of a guitar.

My next favorite is the Final Kiss, I love this because it's apparent in the simple love and I like the cherry tree blossoms. Cheesy but totally romantic.

Third one down is the witch, she's really cool and I like the sassy folded arms and cute clothes, totally not the stereotype wart-nosed-witch.

   Fourth is none other than the fiery samurai sword princess Bizzan. Yes, she is wearing no clothes but in anime the "magical transformations" make the character naked... at least her hair covers her up. I love the vengeance but also the beauty made by the fire flowers in the background.

Flowers and Innocence is expressed in this next one, fifth one down. It is amazing the detail put into this. Look closely and you can see the shell of her ear and the  shadow inside her sleeve, the fence and trees are exquisite too.

   Next comes the haunted looking vampire straight from anime Twilight in sixth place, I like the dark colors and the wings but there also seems to be an innocent look on her face, the lace and ribbon bonnet making her seem young and delicate. I love the detail in the dress, the crossing laces and the ruffled sleeves, the way her shoes, headband, and dress match (which never happens in real life folks)

   It was a hard choice to choose between this being sixth and seventh but the vampire won. As close seventh is the magical girl in a drooping dress and with wings and a belt necklace. I love the sleep like quality, like sleeping beauty as she walks through the thorns to touch a glowing green light. I am envious of the way the artist made her limbs curved and soft looking without making it childish.

Eight goes to the slave woman chained in a puddle with pick flowers. Her hair is purple but that seems natural, though maybe I would have drawn her with some clothes on. I like the hand reaching out for help, it makes the viewer want to help her. Brown eyes convey innocence and mortality (everyone knows an immortal can't have brown eyes, unless he's Jacob)

Nine goes to umbrella lady in the boat. While it seems that her skirts would drag or a flower petal would get in her big brown doe eyes, it doesn't. Angel rays and the sun umbrella communicate innocence while the clothes convey that her time is certainty not the twenty first century.

Last in tenth place is the black haired schoolgirl looking over her shoulder in surprise while having an umbrella made of a leaf. This is only last because... the others were better but I love this one all the same. Her mouth is just a shadow and a small pit of pink, her eyes brow just a small line hidden by her bangs, but her expression is unmistakable. Maybe there's the boy she likes or she's just confused. What I like most it that her eyes are black and gray yet she's certainty not evil. The raised finger tells of dainty elegance.

   I love anime and I like to draw it but these surpass anything I have ever drawn. I don't know who the artists are and i haven't a clue of where I got the photos other than I found them on Google images. I own nothing and I didn't have a hand in creating these works of art but I find myself enchanted with each one. Though anime is Japanese and I love Ireland, I'm allowed to have a little diversity.  Anime is hard to draw but these make my drawings look like doodles... until next time...

   Irish Princess
(in my dreams)


   Bulldogs are an amazing, gorgeously ugly.
   Last night my Dad told us we were talking the dog of a Marine who's leaving for Afghanistan, an ugly bulldog with a big overbite and sleepy eyes whose name is Jiggs after the Marine Corps... I don't know exactly what jiggs comes from but it's something to do with the Marine Corps. I love her already.

   She plays tug'o'war (actually she wins tug'o'war by pulling me over and tackling me) and she barks, she also loves to be petted and she' not actually that bad looking though she's certainty no beauty. This is her, laughing at us as we try and get her to pose and then it's her posing, obviously just humoring us by doing as we ask.

   I think that, even though she isn't exactly the beauty queen that she's perfect. She even knows tricks! (she can shake your hand, but only when she's calm and sitting) Jiggs loves playing and she's hyper, though maybe that's because her time schedule is messed up.

   Her owner used to leave her in a crate al day then take her out at night so she didn't sleep at all last night (Ha! She sleeps in my sister's room so she was barking all night and... well, serves her right for making my parents let the dog sleep in her room) At this moment we are watching her to make sure she doesn't take any naps so she's actually fall asleep tonight.

   Just a little history on my family and dogs:

   My family has always had a dog, wether is was our Great Dane Brutis (big as a friggin horse, at least it seemed like that to to me when I was four) or our Dachshund Dellie (that didn't last long at all) we have always had at least one dog.  Other pets have come along, like my Guinea Pig and Mom's parakeets, but our must-have was a dog.

   Last year, when I lived in Virginia we lived in a rented house. The land lord said pets were okay... as long as we paid around four thousand a year for possible damage (it wasn't even that great of a house, totally a cookie cutter bird house the same as every other house in the neighborhood). Suffice to say my parents said no to getting a dog. We lived like that for two years, whenever we saw a dog we'd fawn and coo over it because we were dog starved. Then I found out we were moving, I cheered up because we'd certainty get a dog in the next place, even if the next place turned out to be Saudi Arabia.

   But then... my Dad told us all that we had another two years to wait because my parents didn't want a mutt and they wanted a dog that they'd take with them where ever they went. Alas, my entire family became dog starved again. Our moral sank and our esteem of ourselves fell, we even stooped so low as to begin to feed the wild cats that live in our complex sardines and tuna.

   We babysat a golden retriever... her name was Bella Monster... for a good reason. An absolutely horrible dog, peeing on the carpets when she got excited and she didn't know how to play tug'o'war (which is a sin for dogs). Nevertheless, we were so starved that we loved her even though she chewed up my favorite pair of shoes.

   Months went by, dogs were forgotten as we became absorbed in our lives. Every once in a while we would sigh and reminisce about all of our old dogs then sigh and say "We need a dog." Dad would say, "Sorry but not now." And life would move on.

   When Dad told us that we were picking up a dog in twenty minutes, I thought it was another babysitting job or just a cruel joke. When he said that we'd be having to find a place for her to sleep and discussing wether getting a bulldog was a smart idea, I realized he was truly serious.

   We were getting a dog.

   We got a dog.

   We have a dog!

   After three years of horrible dry faces and hands, of perfect shoes, and tug-less tug'o'war ropes, we finally had a dog! Yes!

   A DOG!

   Can you tell that I am very happy? Nah, I bet you couldn't. Anyway, Thanks for reading...

   Irish Princess
(in my dreams)

Monday, March 7, 2011

Procrastination. An Art?

  I am putting off homework. Right now. I should be doing page 295 problems 1 to 39 multiples of three and page 298 problems 5 to 21 odd numbers only. Instead I am writing on my blog about how I should be doing it but how I'm busy writing about how I should be doing my homework. I really should start already... it just that... I don't want to.
   Yes, I know it's a pathetic measly excuse but there it is.

   I don't want to do thirty Pre-Algebra problems about things I will never use in real life.

   Here's the gist of it:

   School is great. It gives teenagers a purpose in life until they can embark on their real purpose in life (meaning life = sucky job, select best friends who love you and come to your wedding, and eventual marriage then inevitable death) because it's illegal to try and begin life before eighteen (unless your some kind of movie star or super genius who's parents let you drop out of school). It gives us delinquents a chance to exercise, wether it's our brains or our bodies. School makes us have a semblance of a schedule and a ounce of responsibility. School is good!

  The only problem is that school stops teaching things you need to know after fifth grade. After that, it's all "teaching you how to learn" which is code for making us stay in a prison with no barb wire so they can teach us how to solve the formula for time travel (which is scientifically impossible but we'll teach you anyway because it will keep your minds busy). I have asked my Dad, so this is not just a grumpy fourteen year old talking, this is facts truer than the cases on Law and Order. Everything you learn after fifth grade is useless unless it somehow ties into the crappy job you will get dealt with in life.

   For example, I want to become an author. History and English are useful to me, sometimes also Science though only because it helps bring realistic elements to my work. Having to know the formula for the speed of light and being able to solve a math equation with more letters than numbers IS NOT NEEDED! Tell me, oh wise adult who might be reading this, what do you remember beyond fifth grade that has nothing to do with your current job? And there's the fact that when you get a job, you have to relearn it their way anyway.

   Sure, it looks good on a college application but the only reason I want to go to college anyway is because that's where you find the intelligent guys who don't slack off and drink beer all night... at least not at BYU Idaho (it being a church school and all) All this hard stuff you learn in high school is worthless unless you become a teacher teaching the subject. Sure, my Pre-Algebra teacher uses formulas every day but that's because she's a math teacher and therefore it is her job.

   So... back to the crux of my problem... I should be doing homework but I don't see the point other than staying on the basketball team and being able to please my parents.

   So. There it is. I just wasted a lot of time writing this when I should have been doing homework... great for me. Ha! Sometimes, i'm glad my parents don't read my blog... they'd be delightfuly furious if they read this...

      Irish Princess (in my dreams)
   Rabecca <3

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Just As a Side Note...

   warning: (... This blog will not count as one of my two per month quota for blogging.)

      My life should be fascinating, at least it should if you read a description of me on a piece of paper like the following:

   Lives in: Saudi Arabia. Has also lived in: Texas twice (born there as well), Virginia twice, Tennessee twice, Malaysia, Delaware, and has plans in the future for moving at least six to seven more times.
   Age: 14, born the day after Halloween in 1996
   Goes to: American International School of Riyadh. Has gone to: Parkway Elementary School, (a school in Virginia that I forgot the name of), Woodlawn Elementary twice on two separate occasions, International School of Kuala Lumpur, and Admiral Byrd Middle School.
   Can play: guitar with mediocre talent and vocal cords with excellent mediocre talent.
   Wants to go: Ireland, Scotland, England, Australia, New Zealand, the Moon, Texas (to stay, once I've visited all those places)
   Likes: romance or fictional stories, small porcelain figures of eighth century nobles (I don't know why, they just enchant me), horses, romantic comedy movies, Vampire Diaries (the TV show, I am obsessed I swear)
   Doesn't Like: tomatoes, lettuce, horror movies such as Paranormal Activity or Roommate, people who are obnoxious, people who disdain books and reading, my Humanities teacher, and math (or Pre-Algebra if you want to be specific)

      I sound like an interesting person right? The how come I don't think so.

      Sure, all that stuff about me living a lot of places and having known so many people is cool but I really want a place to live that has big open windows and big trees with a good school program and cute guys (don't judge me, I am a teenager) who will ask me out when I turn 16. Maybe if  I was someone else I would eat sea food and enjoy the fact that I live in so many different places. But I'm not so I guess I will have to wait until the day when I can live in a single place for more than two years and be able to know people and be part of a community... hmm... maybe not on that last one, if what I hear from my aunt is true.

      Anyway, just a note about me and this blog. You just read a big description of me up there (fascinating aren't I?) so now all I have to tell you about is this blog.

      Posting will be twice every week or so and no more, if I have something to add I will wait until the next week. It won't be actually scheduled, like I could do two in one day then I could do one on Sunday and the other on Saturday. The subject will vary though most of the time it will be random things that I'd like to rant about, like the reason boys in middle school and boys in high school are so different (I haven't found out why yet so you''l have to wait for that one) or how much I think Poodles aren't dogs (they are curly haired rats that bark, and that are sometimes abnormally big)

      If you are a reader from Inkpop, my other blog Thirteen Irish Beds is the one you are looking for, it's the one that refers a lot to all my stories and the interesting things I have discovered about history. This is the 'I did... today" blog, or my general rants about "My Life" blog.

      So I guess that covers my first non-post.

      Oh! The reason the title is in Gaelic is because I love Ireland and all things Irish, including the accent and the men (though sometimes the Scottish accent tries for my affections) I am not Irish, I am a proud American but I love Ireland (as I have said before) and therefore the title and background picture are Irish.

      Thanks for reading mates,
   Irish Princess (in my dreams)