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Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Reality TV

      My Aunt recently introduced me to reality TV. You know, The Real Housewives of Orange County (New York City or New Jersey) and the Bachelorette or Bachelor. I think that the Bachelor and Bachelorette are some what pretty good shows even though most of it is publicity and fake, but the Real Housewives is ridiculous and most of it is because these women want attention. All drama! But for a writer like me, it was fascinatingly annoying instead of just annoying.

      What people will do for attention is astounding. The ladies would meet each other and swear that they'd "always been a good friend to" such and such person but then the camera would go to their private interview and they'd diss and gossip about the person they'd just sworn was their best friend. And you have to know that these ladies watch the show and see everything the other girls say about them. The things they would say was infuriating because the women wouldn't listen to each other when they were with each other! They would listen to one thing then go off on a tirade and rant about how "She wrote 'congrats on redoing your house'... what's that supposed to mean?!?"

      My question is this: If these ladies weren't so dramatic, self centered, and totally selfish then these reality shows wouldn't exist because nobody would watch them. When the women are nice, nobody watches the show so the producers ask the ladies to gossip more or start a fight with their ex-best friend. I felt sad for these women because they are making themselves miserable and fighting needlessly just for TV ratings. People watch the show to see how bad their attitudes are because it makes them feel good about their life, or it gives them ammo for a diss war with their enemies. 

      And the Bachelorette, here's my major problem. This girl is putting herself on TV and looking through 20 guys then narrowing down to one in epic dates. But she'd have no problem dating out in the real world because she is beautiful and very nice and a very good person. So really this girl has all these guys at her beck and call and she gets to decide who stays or goes. Yes, maybe she wants to find true love but I think anybody who does a Bachelor show is a bit of a player. Why? All those people of their opposite gender are at the beck and call and I think it's slightly childish and fickle.

      For example, those guys are from every corner of the country and you never know what you're getting. For example, with the guy that she sent away. He went on the show to promote his business and himself but while he was with the Bachelorette he lied and made her fall in love with him. The latest news was that he came back on the show and set off a whole bunch of complaints with the guys on the show. He was a cheat and a scammer but the girl thinks she loves him. But I am sure that most of that is publicity. Sure, she might really like him. Maybe he was told from the start to be the bad guy so she could magically "change" him even after he was sent away. Nobody knows but the producers and that's why everyone is addicted to the show sooo much. 

      Anyway, this post was written because I want to tell somebody that these shows are not real! This is not the way real life goes. Normal people grow up with friends and family they love then they find a person to spend eternity with, the normal dating way, and they live out their lives normally. Sure sometimes they fall away from their friends but thats the way life goes. It's the way life goes and there's nothing you can do. I've learned to deal with it because some people don't know what they want so they go to TV shows and adopt what other people want. That's the cause of all the drama every where.

      I ask you to think about what you want out of life. Think about the fact that some of your unhappiness is caused by the shows you watch. What do you watch? MTV or Disney? Is your friend life happy or filled with secrets and lies? 

      Think about your life and ask yourself, "Is my life mine or MTV's?"

      Something to think about
Irish Princess (in my dreams)
            Rabecca Riches

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